Friday, January 22, 2010


We had our first visit to the dentist today!
Claire did so great!
She hopped right up into the chair and let them brush her teeth and check her all out. She liked the shades she got to wear so the light wasn't so bright.
Emily wasn't so sure ... she got checked out on Daddy's lap and the brushing was a disaster. But she did like Dr. Charlie and his big toothbrush!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bouncin' Fun!

We tried Bounce Planet for the first time this weekend and the girls had a blast. (Actually mom and dad did too). This place is awesome! Emily and Claire were fearless running from jumpy thing to slide and back.
What a great way to spend the day!

Jolly Days!

We headed to the Children's Museum last weekend for the end of their Jolly Days exhibit.
What a fun stop - we'll have to go back again next year.
We also went to the new Barbie exhibit
The girls loved being the receptionists at the front
Emily put on quite a fashion show while Claire designed clothes
I love that there is always something new when we visit!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

We rang in the New Year with lots of laughs this year!

The girls and Charlie had a great time dancing and playing together!
The kids entertained each other and the adults

Angie had the adults rolling with Bean Boozled - a box of flavored Jellybeans (some yummy like peach or plum - some not so yummy like vomit, earwax or skunk spray)

The reactions were very funny!
There was some friendly competition
Rock Band
And beer pong
But the best part was ringing in 2010 with good friends!

A visit from Aunt Debbie!

My sister came in town for a quick visit before they move off to Arizona. The kids had a great time playing together and we loved being able to spend time with them!
Fun in the snow before they head out to warm weather!
Get 'em Ryan
Courtney and Claire loved sledding in the backyard

Topping off the day with bedtime stories from Katarina
Checking out the Indianapolis Children's Museum

We love our cousins!!! Thanks for visiting!


We woke up to find Santa had come!
Claire had the best expressions as she opened her gifts
Her favorite gift of the day Ariel Chapstick
(tell me again why parents feel the need to spend money on "Big Gifts")

Emily's favorite gifts - Tinkerbell nailpolish and her baby doll

We spent the evening at the Thomas's house. We were spoiled by our family and had fun playing with everything and everyone there.
Beauty Shop with Craig

Aunt Betty checking out with her groceries
Thanks for a great Christmas! This was a really fun year!

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at the Maude's house ... good food and good company!
The cousins (minus Matt)
Grandpas are the best!
Getting ready for Santa ... sorry we ate most of your cookies

Emily putting out carrots for the reindeer

Lara's Wedding

We headed to Bloomington to start off the winter break at the wedding of one of my teacher friends. It was so fun to hang out with friends and check out the ol' college campus.
Mr. and Mrs. Bower
Good Friends
Crazy Teachers

Scott and I even made it out after the wedding - oh to be young again!