Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Day

We had lots of fun with family at Aunt Sheri's house - all our favorite people were there and we were spoiled rotten!

Katelyn made us really cool pictures from melted crayons

Aunt Leisha made us scarves and hats

What a great day!

Christmas Morning

We enjoyed opening presents Christmas morning - not only ours but everyone else's as well.

We were surprised Santa brought more than we asked for ... who knew he could have gotten away with just the two things that were on our list

Grandma shared her candy with us but I think she'll keep this one all for herself


We enjoyed Christmas at home this year.

Papa Nick and Grandma were able to join us for all the fun!

Cute Molly Pics

Getting some love from Emily

See loves the snow

And leaves, and sticks, and rocks and anything else she finds outside. Cute Molly is becoming rotten Molly when it comes to chewing on things!

A Visit To Santa

We went to visit Santa in his little house in Noblesville.

Still not quite ready to sit on his lap but at least we talked to him and gave him a high five

Monday, December 19, 2011

Our newest family member

Molly has fit right into our family!

She just goes with the flow and loves to play!

Molly in action - meeting her buddy Malibu

She had a full first day - all snuggled up in her bed


We got our Christmas gift a little early!

Our new puppy Molly came home on Sunday
We LOVE her so much!

I think she loves us too :)


The girls had pj day at school and got to decorate gingerbread houses

Check out their masterpieces!

Presenting - Santa's Little Explorers

Claire and Emily participated in their first Christmas Program for their preschool

They sang Here Comes Santa Claus

Jingle Bell Rock

And an elf song about baking rather than making toys

They love all their little friends

And especially love their teacher Miss Cora

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Weekend Highlights

We had a busy and fun weekend - here are some highlights!

The Children's Museum for Jolly Days

Emily ice skating

Claire baking holiday treats

Our budding fashion designer

Saturday morning gymnastics - tackling the balance beam

We went to visit the puppies and made our final choice

Here's Molly - can't wait to bring her home

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Only 2 more weeks!

We went to visit the puppies today! They were so cute!

We have our favorites - now we just have to wait to take them home!
I don't know who is more excited - it is a pretty close race!

This puppy sure will bring a lot of fun to our household!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Night Out For The Adults!

We had a FUN night out with Kevin and Mary

They took us to play Whirly Ball

It is a cross between lacross and basketball and is played while driving bumper cars

So funny! Here is a little video footage of the action


We enjoyed our visit with the Heins for Thanksgiving!

Yummy food and good company on Turkey Day

Celebrating Christmas a little early

The girls snuggling with their Happy Nappers

Playing fun games

Cheering on Sophia at her soccer game