Sunday, September 26, 2010

Family Fun!

Saturday running errands turned into lots of fun
At Lowes we found a fire safety clinic and the girls got to build their own firetrucks

They did such a good job hammering everything to together

Then Emily was brave enough to sit in the firetruck

Then off to the nursery for a new tree and we got to go on a scavenger hunt there and decorate cupcakes - how cool!
Sunday we spent the day at the children's museum

We love the barbie exhibit

"Hey Barbie - have your people call our people and we'll do lunch!"
Checking out the dinosaurs and digging for bones

It is always fun building new things while we are there


The Maines Family Blog said...

Looks like it was a great weekend!!!

mikol5 said...

Love when you run into things by accident. We went to the outdoor mall by our house friday to get ice cream and there was a band playing!